RHD Congress in Abu Dhabi -Nov. 2023 - Etiopia-Witten had a poster Session

The Ethiopian cardiologist Abraha Hailu MD from the University of Mekelle and cardiologists from Ethiopia-Witten jointly presented their poster on the topic: Side effects after benzathine penicillin G injection in the secondary prevention of RHD

Pictures from the poster session in Abu Dhabi Hilton Hotel at World Congress RHD

Abraha Hailu MD, Gabriele Wehr MD, Christian Leuner MD at RHD Congress poster session

The Cardiologists:Abraha Hailu Weldegerima MD from Ayder Hospital - University Mekelle, Gabriele Wehr MD and Christian Leuner MD from German Etiopia-Witten Assoc.


Poster on adverse events in Benzathine Penicillin G injections

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